Sun Camera Service Ltd.

It is human nature that when we receive extremely bad customer service, we tell everyone we know.  When we receive excellent customer service we tell some of the people we know...

I would like to give a big shout out to Sun Camera Service Ltd for some excellent customer service!

A few days ago, I noticed that the flash on my camera was not firing when it should.  I did some testing and found that my flash was working properly on other cameras but other flashes were not working on my Canon 7D Mark II.   I spoke to the folks at my local Henry's  and they told me that Canon would be happy to give me a quote but that it might take 6 to 8 weeks to perform a repair.  My camera is no longer under warranty and I had no intention of going 6 to 8 weeks without my camera so I did what anyone else would do - start searching the internet.

I found a few articles explaining that sometimes the screws under the Canon hotshoe cover get loose and that, by removing the cover, one can access the screws and tighten them.  I am not a super handy guy but this seemed easy enough.   As I removed the battery and proceeded to remove the cover of the hotshoe I realized that I could already see the screws -the cover was missing.

I paid a visit to Sun Camera Service - 2150 Steeles Ave W, Concord, ON L4K 2Y7, Phone: (905) 669-6406.  Just east of Keele St  on the north side of Steeles Ave.   I explained the missing cover to the technician behind the counter.  He took my camera into the back and, after 2 minutes, brought it back with a hotshoe cover.  We tested it several times and everything was working very well.  He wouldn't even take any money - he just told me to remember Sun next time I needed a repair.  I am still smiling and so is my camera.